
Jeff and Trevor after first football game. Aren't they both so handsome... I'm so proud!!!

Trevor received an award for an outstanding student who had shown excellence in High Academics, Sportsmanship and Attitude.

Drew Cline, Bonnie Keen and Travis Cottrell and I. Another great day of singing bgv's on my long project!!

6 of the 8 Contestants that I worked with on the TV Show "GIFTED" - Lindsey, me, Brandon, Sheena, Rochelle, Nathan and Tricia

Our family after Cody's performance at Pull-Tight Theater. Can you believe how tall they both are...

My guys, Trevor, Cody and Jeff
 Robert White Johnson and I at his daughters wedding

Girls night out!!!
 Some of my favorite singers in the world...

My grey-haired man and me!
 I was asked to sing on Ty Herndon's record.

Mark C., Eli, Brian Mason, Lisa B. on the Brian Mason Radio Show

Cliff Downs, and Geoff Thurman working in the studio for record #5.

My family on our summer vacation in Sisters, OR. Can you believe the size of my boys? The one of the left is Trevor, he's only 11 and towers over me. Cody is far right, he's 16.
 Here are some of my favorite singers in the world, Drew Cline, Bonnie King and Gary Pigg. We worked on singing some bgv's on my record.
 My family and sister Melanie and her family in Sisters, OR.

This is our sweet first dog, Bella...ain't she pretty!

All the cousins in Oregon: Trevor, Kirby,Makayla, Clay, Alexia, Cody Trevor and Cody are mine of course! And yes, Cody makes that face all the time.

Pam Thum, Lisa, and Bonnie Keen

Lisa with her husband, Jeff

My family camping in the Fall.

Jeff's family in Oregon

Lisa with her sister in Australia

Lisa joins Barbara Billingsly, a.k.a. June Cleaver, from TV's classic "Leave It To Beaver" for the National Parents' Day Observation

Lisa Joined INSP anchor Mac Heald to host the INSP network's live broadcast of the Ture Love Waits National Celebration

Lisa meets up with Kirk Cameron and Chelsea Noble at the National Parents Day Observation