I heard Lisa sing a scripture song from Psalms on the radio, "All His Benefits", can you please tell me where to find this song, I can't find this on any of her records. And are there any performance tracks of this song?
A: The song "All His Benefits" is off of "His Personal Presence", an older CD released back in 1993 by Crystal Sea Recordings, produced by Steven V. Taylor. Even though this song still gets lots of airplay, as of 2006, this CD is out of print and is no longer for sale, unless you can find it on ebay, or you can try and get the radio station to sell you the copy they have..ha..good luck! There were no performance tracks produced for this song either. Hopefully you can find a musician to listen to the song and learn it for you. For more info on this contact: Crystal Sea Recordings, PO Box 419527, Kansas City, MO 64141.
I heard Lisa sing a song on the radio, called "You Are Holy", can you please tell me where to find this song, I can't find this on any of her records. And are there any performance tracks of this song?
A: First, check the store on Lisa's menu page and scroll down to see the CD cover and places to order. The song “You Are Holy” is from a CD called “The God Chasers, Pursuing His Presence”. Released by MMI Spring Hill Music Group, Distributed by Chordant Distribution. There were no performance tracks released for this song. For more information on this song, please contact the following companies. Chordant Distribution Group, (615) 371-4200, 101 Winners Cir, Brentwood, TN 37027. Spring Hill Music Group, (615) 383-5535, 2021 Richard Jones Rd, Nashville, TN 37215.
I heard your song "Only A Savior" on the radio the other day. I would like to sing this song in church. I could not find the song on an accompaniment track in our local Christian Book Store. I was told at the store that the song had been discontinued and they would not be able to order it for me. I have also surfed the web and could not find an accompaniment track for it. Do you know where I can order an accompaniment track for this song? I want to know if there is a performance track or sheet music for the song?
A: "Only A Saviour" performance tracks have been out of print for several years, but be sure and check out ebay for copies. The only performance tracks currently available are the ones located in the store on this site. I've never had any sheet music for any of my songs printed in kind of form and I don't have chord charts either.
I heard Lisa's version of "Your Love is Deep" on the radio. I have searched everywhere for a copy of this on one of your CD's. Can you please tell me where I can purchase this?
A: I recorded "Your Love Is Deep", back in 2002 on a Women of Faith CD, called "Sensational Life", through Integrity Music. Even though this song is currently receiving airplay, I don't have any copies for sale. I've done some research and have found that this song is available for purchase at this following link:
http://www.bestprices.com/cgi-bin/vlink/696998630727.html. If this link no longer works, be sure and do a google search under all the information listed and hopefully you'll be able to find a copy for sale.
Sheet Music:
Q: I want to perform one of Lisa's songs at my church, Is there any sheet music or chord charts for Lisa Bevill's songs?
A: I don't have any sheet music or chord charts for the various songs that I've written. I've found that it's a very expensive process to manufacture songbooks. But what I do have are performance tracks for the songs that I've written, that you'll find on the Merchandise/Product page. These are currently on cassette form with lyrics inside the jacket. On the new project that I'm currently working on,...I'll have CD performance tracks.
"Place In The Sun":
Q: Are you still holding your camp for girls "Place in the Sun"?
A: Please be sure and go to the "Place in the Sun" page for a full explanation. But, No,...not at this time. I truly feel that season in my life is over, at least for now. But I'm very interested in helping others to establish an all girls type camp. So if you'd be interested in me coming and speaking to your group to start one.. then please contact me via email at : LisaBevill@hotmail.com
Lisa Bevill product in stores:
Q: I can't find any of Lisa Bevill's product in the local bookstores...where can I find it?
A: You can always find product on my website. Without a current record label and distribution company in place, it's hard to keep product on the shelves, especially when there's so much competition our there for shelf space. But with independant artists you'll find that it's better to go to their personal websites and purchase products from them directly. If you go and check out the merchandise page.. you'll see what I have available. The orders come directly to me.. I fill the orders in my home office..and can even autograph it for you.
Your Personal Songs:
Q: I'm a singer/songwriter and would like to send Lisa some of the songs I've written to see if she could co-write with me, or be interested in recording my songs?
A: First off,.. Songwriting, I've found is a very personal thing. Because I truly wait on the Lord to inspire or to give me a song, it's never anything that I can predict. And just for your protection, you should always make sure that your songs are protected, by copyrighting them first, before ever sending them out to anyone. With lawsuits of folks stealing melodies and lyrics,.. I find that it's just better that someone copyright their songs..and have a publisher working their songs, than for an individual to solicit their songs themselves. The GMA ( Gospel Music Assoc) has a great resource book available, that's loaded with lots of valuable, useful information. You can contact them at www.gospelmusic.org.
Q: How long have you been singing? When did you know that you wanted to be a singer? Where did you get your start?
A: Wow,..this has the potential for being a long answer and I’ll try and give it as short an answer as possible. First off, I came from somewhat of a musical family, both sisters sang and played piano. I took 9 years of piano, sang in the church youth choir and listened to records, just about anything I could get my hands on. I sang Alto, which is great for hearing harmonies and being able to sing with anyone. I started trying to write songs at about 12, mainly about how some boy broke my heart, and just kept writing. I was given my first church solo at age 13 or so, and then people noticed my voice..and began to ask me to sing at weddings, funerals, you name it. I basically took every opportunity to sing. I became part of a garage band with a bunch of guy friends around where I lived, we were called “Starflight”, and we were serious..we even had bumper stickers. I never really did much in High School..except play piano for other singers in talent shows..until my senior, because I was sooo shy!.. I sang a few songs one time ..and was voted Most Talented of my Senior Class, which was a shock, because I didn’t think anyone even knew who I was. I went on to get a partial scholarship at Belmont College in Nashville as part of a singing group, (please go to Mentoring page for more details), and we traveled and sang at churches and high schools promoting the college. But while in the group, we recorded several albums, and danced and sang in our shows. After graduating from college I made it to the tv show “Star Search”, the 2nd year it was on. I lost, but it was another opportunity to grow. As soon as I got home.. I got hired to be a Background singer for David Meece for a year..and then went on to sing for Russ Taff for 2 years. I had many friends in the studio & music business, and word just begins to travel if you are skilled at what you do, and are nice to work with. I began to sing jingles, song demo’s for songwriters, and background vocals on albums..until one day someone asked me if I had thought about making a record of my own... I prayed for the Lord to give me clear vision..and to pave the way if that’s what he wanted for me..and the rest is history.
To get started: Make sure it’s what you are passionate about, know that you have the skill and the talent for,..and above all it’s where God is directing you. Being in the Arts, whether it be a singer, dancer, musician...is truly one of the hardest careers I think there is out there...truly!!! You will live your life being self-employed and will deal with the feast or famine mentality, because everything is very cyclical in the music industry. You will be your own boss, you gotta take the work when it’s plentiful, because when the winter comes..everything slows down. Be easy to work with as far as your attitude is key....cause as I always say.. “there’s a new kid getting off the bus everyday...” or there’s another singer graduating from Belmont everyday”.. BUT...if you love it..and you can’t think of anything else you want to do, then go for it...enjoy the ride...and Live!
Q: Can I get permission to use one of Lisa's songs for my website, video, presentation, dance number, etc.?
A: Sure I would love that..but there are some steps you need to go through for that. Permission is granted through the licensing company that handles my music. Please contact Phil Perkins at Music Services, 1526 Otter Creek Rd, Nashville, TN 37215. 615-794-9015 or by email at phil@musicservices.org
Q: Does Lisa read and respond to her email and snail mail, or does someone else do it?
A: Yes,..now I do..there was a point in time when I was touring alot that I didn't have time to answer it all...but now that things have slowed down.. I try to respond to everyone.. it may take a while...but I'll eventually get to you. I figure it you actually sit down and take the time to write to me, then I can take a moment to write you back as well. Just be patient with me..

BIRTHDAY? June 24th... I ain't tellin the year!
BIRTHPLACE? Asheville, NC.... Buncombe County, I think that's a funny name...isn't it?
FULL NAME: Lisa Dee Bevill
MARRIED? Yes for 17 years to Jeff..he's awesome
CHILDREN? 2 Boys, Cody 16 and Trevor 10
PETS? Bella - our 8 month old yellow Lab
FAVORITE SWEET FOOD? York Peppermint Patties & Choc Mousse
FAVORITE NON-SWEET FOOD? Pork Chops, Fried Chicken & Turnip greens..and basically anything southern...
COLLEGE DEGREE? Marketing Degree from Belmont University
ONE THING YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE? Scuba dive on a shipwreck.. My hubby and I are certified divers..and that's a huge dream...
PET PEEVE? People who are late!!!
HOBBY? I love to sew, paint and do wild crafty things!
FAVORITE TV SHOW? Re-runs of "Home Improvement", that is my life living with 3 men!
FAVORITE CARTOON? Any old Bugs Bunny
FAVORITE INDULGENCE? Buying a pound of Starbucks De-Caf!
WHAT GETS YOUR BLOOD PUMPING: A really great Estate Sale!!.. I love them!!!!
FAVORITE RESTAURANT? Longhorn Steakhouse, Royal Thai, Dotsons, and of course anyplace that I can get great turnip greens.
FAVORITE COLORS? White, Jade Green, Periwinkle
FAVORITE MOVIE? It's a Wonderful Life, Forest Gump, Fried Green Tomatoes, and Oh Brother
THINGS YOU COLLECT: I love to collect Green and White pottery, like McCoy's...they line the space up above my cabinets in kitchen. I love to get them at estate sales.
DREAM DUET? James Taylor
WHERE DO YOU GO WHEN YOU WANT TO GET AWAY? Black Butte in Sisters, Oregon
WHAT WOULD YOU BE IF YOU WERE NOT A RECORDING ARTIST? I would want to work in an advertising agency in the art department! Art was my first love...and doing anything creative!
IN MODERN TIMES, IF YOU COULD HAVE LUNCH WITH ONE PERSON, WHO WOULD IT BE AND WHY? Billy Graham! ..because he seems to be a walking, talking true person who reflects Jesus on a daily basis!